Nå faller tingene på plass!

Torsdag 2. juni drar undertegnede og OJ fra OSL med Norwegian DY1602. Venner fra CORE i Tyskland har muligens allerede kjørt noen mil – de skal ta bil fra Ruhr området og våre venner i Geneva står klar til å ta i mot «gjengen».

Det meste er klappet & klart, dog litt usikkerhet om vi fra Norge tar med oss sykler på flyet eller om vi leier i Geneve.

Paul har gjort en stjernejobb og kommet med følgende forslag:

June is not that far and therefore we should already start to think and plan our trips. I had a first teleconf this week with Steinar. We discussed the journeys and expectations. Below you will find an example of the trips that we can do in June.

I believe you are expecting a bit of challenges in terms of biking, but also a taste of french Switzerland as most of you only know Geneva city. The «gourmet» stop are highly recommended but not obligatory, this can go to from the Powerbar snack 🙁 to a nice table in terrasse 🙂 … there is a large panel of choice, especially in the Valais region…

The base will be in Geneva, with two half days ride in Geneva’s region and a full day trip that would be outside Geneva (Vaud and Valais region). I don’t really know what types of bikes you have or will rent, but I have made the plan, mostly for cycling or hybrid bikes. If this would be more mountain bikes, we can adapt accordingly.

Geneva «town and country», a half day in Geneva countryside, following the Rhone river and in the Geneva’s vineyards. This will be a mix of various types of roads, with no major difficulties.

Length: 50 to 60 km.

Vandoeuvres and Jussy Tour, half day trip, most probably the last day. No major difficulties, just to relax and enjoy the region. The trip starts alongside the lake and in the wealthy suburbs of Geneva. We will continue towards the french border in the countryside on flat small roads.

Length 40 to 50 km

Full day in Vaud/Valais, a full day trip in a stunning area at the entry of Swiss Alps. We will take the train from Geneva to Lausanne and start the trip in the «Lavaux» an exceptional area in the Vaud Vineyards above the Geneva lake, with incredible mountains views. the First 30 km will be alongside the lake in small roads with and without cars. We will enter the Alps through the Rhone Valley and reach either Martigny or Sion. The roads
will be mostly alongside the rhone river, but we can easily derive to mountains. The return from Martigny or Sion will be with the Train.

Length 100… 110…120….130, etc… km (but min 90 km)

This is of course not an exhaustive list, there are plenty of possibilities around Geneva. We can easily adapt difficulties on request! Don’t hesitate to come back with more specific requests, such as the type of roads, length, difficulties, etc. 😉

You will find below, a google map that summarize my proposal. it wasn’t that easy to ask Google to follow exactly the roads that I have in mind, but
this will give you an overview.


I look forward riding with you in June!!!


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